Object to the planning application

There is now a planning application to build 93 homes on Wenny Road Meadow. This is a really important time for our campaign. We need to take action now, because a the council might make a decision soon.

The sooner you submit your comments, the more likely they’ll feature in the planning officer’s report to councillors. The “official” deadline for comments has now passed. We’ve been told that comments will be accepted right up until the decision is made, but the officers will finalise the report some time before the planning meeting happens.

How much time do you want to spend making your objection?


Empty hour glass

If you only have a few minutes to spare, click here to find out how to make a very simple objection to the Meadow plans.


If you have a bit more time to spend (twenty minutes or so), click here to find some more detailed arguments you can use to construct a strong argument against the plans.


The strongest objections reference details in the Fenland Local Plan and other planning policies. If you have some time to dedicate to this, click here to find out more about the policies we think these plans fail to meet.

What if you would prefer to object by post or email?

Sending an objection via the Fenland District Council website carries just as much weight as a written letter, and you can instantly check that your submission has been received by checking the documents page on the planning application.

If you’d still rather submit an objection by post, or if you have additional materials or evidence that you want to provide copies of, you can either email or post your comments to the council.

We recommend that you read our ideas for what to include in your letter, or our list of more detailed policy-based objections.

You must quote the application reference “F/YR21/0981/F” and you must include your postal address in your email or letter.

Send your comments via email to planning@fenland.gov.uk

Send your comments via post to: Development Services, Fenland Hall, County Road ,March, PE15 8NQ

We recommend that you keep an eye on the documents page of the planning portal to ensure your comment gets uploaded.